WIX also has an option(s)
Funny thing is, one is branded WIX, one is branded Microgard, both have the same part number, WF10579.
The WIX label is $100.99, the Microgard is $46.99.
Take it for what it's worth.
The parent company is Terra Acoustics located in Huntley, Illinois.
Again, no address or phone number given on their website.
Neither business is listed as a registered company in Huntley, https://www.huntleyfirst.com/businesses_registered_in_huntley/index.php
Nothing listed in the owners...
They haven't signed in for over a month. I hate companies that don't list an address or phone number on their website.
I have no skin in this game, but it doesn't feel right.
As far as I'm concerned, all car dealers are untrustworthy.
I had a friend that did fleet sales for various Ford dealerships around here, I bought from him until he retired.
I bought the JT through my Credit Union, no fuss, no muss, here's the price take it or leave it.
If you replaced the entire speaker housing, then odds are that's where it went.
Some of the videos I've watched have stressed to move it to new housing, others don't mention it at all.
Short version, must be licensed in Florida to sell. Must be registered with Florida Insurance Regulatory Commission or whatever they call it.