Spring break for my wife this year worked for a trip across the Mojave. I'd done it with buddies RIGHT before we met, back in 2019, and her being a geology nerd, I've been wanting to take the trip with her ever since.
Did the real deal old road this time, starting from Ft Mohave through the...
Having a hard time thinking it's a coincidence.
DEAD dead battery, as in two different jumptstart battery boxes couldn't get it to crank. Full electrics and diagnostics freakout, windshield wipers etc.
The Group 94 Napa AGM I put in last year could have carried it through Friday (in my...
So this looks pretty decent. I'm quite pleased with the front axle control arm skids, and the rear axle control arm skids, I've had some solid thumps and the plates are fine (need paint).
I've also had some BIG thumps to the Rusty's skid, but...
Just got the propaganda in my mailbox, I can let my GaiaGPS lapse now.
Ironically or not, I use an Android for phone stuff, and Android Auto works fine since last year with OnX. BUT - I like the big honkin' screen on the iPhone 13 Pro Max...
This is a drag, we were getting in before deer season opened but after Labor Day.
Nothing like a big overreaction or anything. Sheesh.
" By temporarily reducing the numbers of people on national forests, we hope to minimize the...
Pretty funny that you all are easier to do business with than Amazon, with their marketplace sellers feeling so scammy. SumoSprings for the Gladiator are tough to source, the fronts come up as JK's, but I found what I wanted in stock at your store with no question about where they come from...
Well that was an eye opener! I borrowed a dual axle cargo trailer from work last night, dropped off a bunch of furniture from storage to a yard sale for today. No WDH, no need, a couple thousand pounds is no big deal, certainly below the 3500 lb "must have brakes" threshold.
We repositioned our...
I saw the long thread about poor snow performance with the JT, so instead of posting in the "where did you go" I'll throw it on here. I'm absolutely impressed as can be with performance in 2Hi on PLENTY of snow. All I can think is that there must be some edge conditions exacerbated by tire...
Having spent a lot of time hauling open cargo trailers, I was curious what the greater drag of a travel trailer would do to handling. Also greater weight, requiring a WDH (a Husky in this case).
We passed on taking home our new (to us) trailer last Friday due to pouring rain, lightning and...
Bought an older TT yesterday, picking up Friday. We're going to beta test up in the Sacto Delta this coming weekend, but a big motivation for this trailer is A) my wife gets to scratch her decorating itch and B) we get to go dry camping in BLM/NF undeveloped territory.
It used to be "spend the...
We ran up from San Diego to Ridgecrest on Sunday after two days at a Coronado hotel. Ducked into Red Rock Canyon on the way, that's a cool little State park! There are lots and lots of trails across the highway from the amazing rocks, worth a visit by itself. Next day we went up the West side to...
Time to get a set for making the CHP happy! To protect alloy wheels, I went to the cable style back in the late 90's. Used them a couple of times but mostly they were for pointing at to get past the nanny state on a snowy road. They seemed to work OK.
Went back to chain style for the H2, never...
I got my truck back Thursday with the new box, took only a month to get it done. Having gotten used the wonky steering WITH a bunch of extra caster dialed in, I wasn't sure I would notice the difference.
I did and do. It was totally worth the hassle.
I don't think I'll revert back to the...
After consideration, research, and reading around this forum, I ordered a set of the ACE Engineering sliders. It was very attractive to me the design incorporated the stock JTR rock rails. Feedback on this forum that they...
Well run program, my wife had a blast in the morning and felt really good about the driving to talking ratio. The afternoon was a buzz kill, 75 minutes of talking and 30 minutes of driving, so she passed the wheel to me. ADD doesn't want to see four different lines driven over the same gulch. We...
Several folks have mentioned how slow USB charging from the media ports is. I've noticed iPhones and iPads charge slowly, but my Pixel phone fast charges just fine. With a very small sample set, LG was a common factor.
I had a chance to test an LG tablet, the G5 something, this morning. It was...
We have a little Jeep trail not too far up the hill from us, in Sequoia Nat'l Forest. There are mild places to wheel all over the area, but this one trail has "NOT RECOMMENDED" Chevy Impala signs on it.
My wife is taking the Jeep Academy class at Hollister Hills on Friday, so I suggested she...
First run across a 6 trail, I hit a wash rut harder than I should have and bottomed the front suspension. A little disappointing, but stock suspension is stock.
I ordered this set from Extreme Terrain - they're the same price everywhere, but I had a $5 credit from them...
The discussions about throttle controllers here have been interesting, to say the least. The magic of fly by wire throttles is interesting to me, as both CJ's and YJ's I've driven have had "interesting" throttle characteristics, for sure.
My BIL's 78 Golden Eagle was a MESS until he swapped in...