
Search results

  1. Do Gladiators Ride Smoother Than Wranglers?

    That depends." "Depends on what, Dex?" "On how good your manners are … how big your pocketbook is."
  2. O

  3. Just got the latest in Winch technology

    Looks like you've come a along way.
  4. What happened to General Grabber Tires?

    I wonder if Samsung working towards purchasing Continental AG has something to do with it.
  5. My Homemade Hoist for 1 Person Top Removal

    This is what I was referring to as a DIY project. https://www.jeepforum.com/threads/jeep-jku-rooftop-tent-diy-crane-hoist.4378479/
  6. My Homemade Hoist for 1 Person Top Removal

    This seem like it could be a cool DIY hoist project. https://www.hardtopbuddy.com/
  7. No Ducks For Me(Beware, rant/negative duck comments)

    Officer: "License and registration, please. And what's the deal with all the ducks?" Driver: "Well, officer, you gotta be careful out here. You never know when you might run into a puddle and need some backup!"
  8. Hood protection worth it?

    Did you get this. How hard was it to install?
  9. "Overland" new buzzword of the day

    We used to call it Green Laning back during the Cold War.
  10. Moab in July

    Just look for one of these.
  11. Colorado mountains - best time of year to go Offroad trail riding/camping?

    Great Resource. https://www.bushducks.com/tripreps/passopen.htm
  12. What did you do TO your Gladiator today? [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS]

    Quit trying to show off and finish the dam thing.
  13. You’ve got $500 what are you buying?

    Curta Type II or a HP-41CX with a scanner wand and card reader. Tossing a coin now.
  14. Gladiator Every Day Carry/Load out (tools, misc. and storage)

    36MM for the unit bearing and some 12 point sockets for the drive shaft. Oh yeah and a Telescope.
  15. RCV + Teraflex = ??

    Heather McAnally at [email protected] . Said they were going to fix their web site last month to address this issue. I tried posting a comments on their YT videos to warn folks these ball joints do not work with RCV and 1410 U joints. But they took them down.
  16. Cover that winch, or let the elements have their way with it?

    The winch line stays on the winch between uses? Oh wow, that will save some time.
  17. O

    Add good old Bayer AG to that question.
