If it is an EV, then the electric motor/s could be at the wheels and you sit on top of the battery, which would allow for there to be no front engine bay ... as for getting into the driver seat, perhaps the whole front face lifts opens up like the doors on the back of modern day SUVs now, but...
In the reveal he says : "If there were a road trip, Jeep would be the Rubicon Trail, Wagoneer a beautiful snowy road in the Rockies" at minute 18:10 in video .
Steel plate that size would weigh a lot . Could maybe find create a plate that has lots of cut outs in it to help reduce weight ? would need support structures underneath for plate to sit on / attach to ... would be an interesting project . He does have a really thin plate on his ... hmmm.. wish...
These are the associated fees from 2013 . I don't know if they have been updated in the past 7 years or not . But I did find this link on google : https://www.courts.state.md.us/sites/default/files/import/district/forms/criminal/dccr90public.pdf
If you scroll down to TA-23-104, fee is 70...
I hope the next time we see Howard the Duck in the movies... that he will pull up driving a Jeep . Marvel, you better be reading these forums ... make it happen !
Section 22-413 talks about protectors or flaps behind rear wheels of vehicle ...
Also just found this Maryland code inspection site .. this link talks about fenders .. http://mdrules.elaws.us/comar/
So, what I could find from digging around on the web, is most likely its a mirror...
Section 22-403 talks about mirrors ... and according to that section at least... it looks like side mirrors are not needed on a car/truck as long as it has...
If it is all about the windshield angle .... maybe there is some usefulness behind the ridiculous "squat" look to be found .... I would rather have a cracked windshield though than to lower that back end !
According to some internet searches I read that the Crown Point Mine Trail is rated as a difficult trail and narrow for hiking and OHVs . Maximum vehicle width of 50 inches . It goes up over 3k feet and gives you quite the view . 4x4 and Jeeps prohibited . Four wheelers, motorcycles, UTVs with...
Sounds like there is money to be made in the aftermarket for an ad-on system to heat the LEDs . If any electricians and engineers want to make some easy side money, this would be a good route as it is a huge market with everyone buying LEDs these days .
I don't know if this will help any but I googled the Permblock PB550-50 and found a pdf with this information in it : "
Fuel management
Low-evaporative products from
Engine Management
can enable outdoor
equipment manufacturers to meet
(California Air Resources Board) evapora-
The 3 Harpoon winch system + standard back up winch . Just in case you need to latch onto a few things to get you going again . All the rage for mall crawlers these days . However they are not "out of sight" as you would have liked at all ... Actually the complete opposite of what you are...
My question is, with the lack of side mirrors ... is it legal to drive in most states ? How safe is this to drive without side mirrors ?
.... Maybe that's why they have the damage resistant exo-skeleton doors/body ? lol
The way he was talking it wasn't supposed to . He said that they threw all sorts of stuff at it in testing and it never cracked until now . He was glad that the ball at least didn't go all the way through haha .