
Search results

  1. Dealer said they changed my oil but now my oil life indicator is on

    Normally, should be easy to tell if you check right after the oil change. If the oil looks "clean" and is still somewhat translucent, I think you are ok and they just forgot to reset the oil-life. If they forgot to to do that, you would recieve the emails as the computer would be telling the...
  2. Question about torquing rear control arms and other suspension

    I did the jack stand trick as suggested. My biggest issue was not having enough leverage in the confines of working under the vehicle in the driveway. I bought a set of extended length ratcheting box wrenches. I wasn't able to use a torque wrench on everything, but I am sure things are tight...
  3. Thinking about switching to the Power Wegon

    Keep the Mojave. Just do what Hightower did :LOL:
  4. Dead Battery

    I don't about the rest of you, but dealing with the battery and electronics issues on my two jeeps has given me Irritable Bowel Syndrome:) Maybe the name of that part is an insider Jeep engineer's joke...
  5. ABS, Traction, Service 4wheel drive

    I'd start with a scan to see what codes you have. These things are notorious for throwing a bunch of codes associated with a core code messing up things "upstream". For example, a bad ABS wheel sensor or bad/rubbed ABS wire going from the sensor to the ABS module can cause what you are...
  6. Cooper SST PRO’s good or bad choice?

    I ran them for about 40k miles on a 2014 jk 4-dr sport I had. They felt unstoppable off-road. There were several times when wheeling with my friends (who had rubicons and locking axles) that my jeep seemed to fair better. Especially the "wheels on the ground" slippery stuff. But, they...
  7. Anyone measure a KO3 yet? My Wildpeaks are undersized!

    I guess everyone has to embellish a bit when it comes to size these days:LOL:
  8. Mojave ARB bumper

    This is exactly the bumper I went with. Only fitament issues were having to notch/cut about 1"x1" square out of the top two corners of the skid plate to get it to bolt back. Hardly noticable. I didn't really notice any droop in the front. Probably was some minor droop as I recall that stock...
  9. Purchase Gone wrong

    Kind of a nuclear option, but you could always send it back at your expense and then reverse/dispute the charge on the credit card if you paid that way.
  10. 5 new wheels or 4?

    When I upgraded my wheels and tires, I bought a matching "plane jane" (size and offset) steel wheel go under the car and mounted a matching tire. I don't plan on doing the 5-tire rotation. I definately see the benefits and do them on myJL and JK, but was worried about the tough life a nice...
  11. TPMS Not Reading After Wheel and Tire Change

    Assuming you did this, but low hanging fruit suggestion: I would double check that you ordered the right frequency sensors. Want to say there was a switch mid-year at some point with the JLs? Remember reading that on this forum somewhere. If that checks out, I think the car tire places may...
  12. Lack of power at high elevation while climbing steep sections.. (23 Gladiator)

    The 4-lo advice is spot on. I am assuming you don't have a rubicon with the 4:1 transfer case. This makes what I am about to suggest even more doable. I have the 2.7:1 case which gives me a lot more flexibility and usefulness (unless hardcore crawling). Whenever I am at altitude, I routinely...
  13. Tire poke based on offset for Clayton lift

    Curious. Does their recomendation take into consideration the already "baked in" .75" of additional backspace on the wider (total of 1.5" wider axles) axles that come with some trim levels?
  14. Air Filter Box Screws....

    Well, this is a convenient thread! Just noticed one missing on my new to me '23 JL. Dealer must have dropped it when servicing before I bought it used. I've found you have to use a magnetic nut driver to hold onto these things.
  15. Wheeling Wednesday: Show us your Offroad Photos.

    Moab. Top of the world and then the pretty chil Onion Creek
  16. Picked up my wife a Gladiator Again tonight

    Miss living in the county for just this reason (and a few others)!
  17. Lessons learned in Moab

    Belly some (but picking good lines helped), hitch yes - especially coming down those rock shelves. Some of the lower control arm attachment brackets (rears especially) as well. And I think I had a front wheel ABS sensor wire get overstreched or something. It threw a code when I got to the top...
  18. Lessons learned in Moab

    I have a '21 Mojave with the AEV spacer lift and 35s. Wanted to keep my shocks and springs we pay so much for with this trim. I also added the geo correction brackets. Not sure I needed them, but figured it couldn't hurt since I was changing the caster a bit by lifting it and easy to do while...
  19. SOLVED - Help with ABS issue - anyone had to something similar. Looking for ideas

    Took the car to the dealership. They found a broken wire in the wiring that goes from the connecter that the ABS sensor wire connects to leading to a bigger wire bundle up in the engine compartment. The wires were wrapped in tape, so it wasn't something I could have visually inspected - but I...
