
Search results

  1. Finally! Clutch recall “fix”

    Works as expected of a clutch. I did get a clutch temperature warning w new clutch, but otherwise more smooth actuation, solved a clutch shudder when engaging
  2. Dead Jeep Battery / Dometic Fridge

    I ran all the way to the bed in the trunk which is where Bat and fridge are. I have a bed cap.
  3. Dead Jeep Battery / Dometic Fridge

    I just did EcoFlow alternator charger and a Delta two max. Benefits are that it charges the system at 800 W in <90 mins, it’s an LFP 2048 Wh, alternator charger system is lighter and can reverse charge the Jeep battery from the Delta lithium battery or from solar and I can run the dometic...
  4. Adding a second amp

    I installed an MB quart in my gladiator (love it) and in that kit, there was a Pak audio AP4-CH41 (R.2). This thing was really cool, no wire splicing unplug the main wire harness from the head unit and plug this device in between it and boom there you have RCA.
  5. Jeep going in monday for Recall 19A clutch replacement

    Aaaaaaand I got my Jeep back! A brand new clutch and rear main seal courtesy of 19A recall, she drives…… the same. Aside from taking 2 weeks start to finish, this was a superb outcome. My dealership was not impacted by the CDK ransomware attack. A set of bolts was not included in the...
  6. Jeep going in monday for Recall 19A clutch replacement

    Anyone had theirs done and had a look at the one they pulled out?
  7. Dometic CFX misbehaving and fix, a lesson in really thinking your wiring through.

    There’s gauge two or four off of the battery to a bus bar off of which three heavy duty, marine, disconnects, or connected each of which route to various power services such as winch, bed, and compressor. From there, an in-line fuse, and then a higher gauge six wire routes through the frame to...
  8. Dometic CFX misbehaving and fix, a lesson in really thinking your wiring through.

    fused with a heavy duty waterproof disconnect under the hood. Wire is gauge six if I recall correctly.
  9. Dometic CFX misbehaving and fix, a lesson in really thinking your wiring through.

    I watched a video last night talking about how Genesis is the wrong way to go now especially with lithium powered batteries, being cheaper, lighter, and better all around. What I can’t figure out is why if the jeeps battery power at voltmeter is at 12.61V with the engine off, doors locked, and...
  10. Dometic CFX misbehaving and fix, a lesson in really thinking your wiring through.

    Yep you’re right. Now I have to rethink this again.
  11. Dometic CFX misbehaving and fix, a lesson in really thinking your wiring through.

    Dometic CFX95 refrigerator in a '20 jeep gladiator rubi in the bed (under a cap). I was chasing my tail for months on what I thought were bad thermistors, failing compressor, bad logic board or anything really. Have a dedicated low gauge power line running from battery system to the bed...
  12. Finally! Clutch recall “fix”

    My local dealer told me it's a two-step process requiring me to drop off the car one time to inspect the clutch and then a second time to actually replace the clutch was your experience as well? Feels like a dealer problem.
  13. Aux Battery is OK, what else could cause "Start/Stop not Ready, Battery Charging?

    I had this exact same problem. I had replaced both batteries and had alternator tested. The solution was to separate out the intelligent battery sensor for about 20 minutes to reset it.
  14. Slight shudder when slipping clutch 1st gear is this a symptom of the flywheel recall ?

    Any why do no dealers have the parts to fix this yet.
  15. California 4 ROTOPAX FOR SALE 2 WATER 2 STORAGE $150

    Shit I just purchased the single big fuel. Thanks for the offer!
  16. California 4 ROTOPAX FOR SALE 2 WATER 2 STORAGE $150

    No. Storage interconnects, water doesn’t.
