
Search results

  1. EOC Stage 1 Tune Options - Your experience?

    I debated whether to contact them about this for the 4 months we were overlanding out West. I was worried that if I did complain about it and sent the unit back for reprogramming, they would take it personally and make it horribly unresponsive. I've not had a "good customer service" experience...
  2. Any AT Tires that don't get LOUD as they wear down?

    A 2nd on the MT Baja Boss! Like them much better than the Faulken MTs and after 15k miles, no appreciable noise increase, in fact, they're not noisy at all.
  3. Florida Alu-Cab Ammo Slide & 4 Front Runner Wolf Pack Boxes

    Sorry, forgot it was listed
  4. EOC Stage 1 Tune Options - Your experience?

    Hard to describe... From a stop or idle roll, when you slowly increase throttle, you would expect the engine to slowly increase rpm. Instead, it starts to increase rpm, then it surges. It's in no way uncontrollable, just not what you would expect. They advertise "better pedal response", so I...
  5. EOC Stage 1 Tune Options - Your experience?

    Their email replies and website info is severely lacking! There is a DEF delete option, EGR delete option, engine braking option, and I got a Boost overlay on the DEF gauge, which I had to ask for, it's not advertised. No telling what other options might be available, as you know, very little...
  6. EOC Stage 1 Tune Options - Your experience?

    Got the Stage 1 and trans tune installed last week. Wanted to give a review. Throttle response is greatly improved, but it has a tendency to "jump" off the line. I'm sure I'll get used to the touchy throttle with time. The extra 50hp is not really noticeable, but my rig is heavy and I'm soft...
  7. Looking for bed slide rails for DIY bed slide

    No, I wound up purchasing a custom slide. This one was $1600. https://slide-master.com/truck-bed-cargo-slides/
  8. Florida Sold: Renogy DCC50S 12V 50A DC-DC On-Board Charger with MPPT and One Core

    This multi-stage, multi-input battery charger can charge a service battery from a starting battery linked to an alternator or by utilizing solar panels connected directly to the unit. While your vehicle's alternator prioritizes your starting battery, this unit will allow your solar system to...
  9. How to drain DEF tank?

    AWESOME! That's what I was looking for. Thank you for the reply!! :clap:
  10. How to drain DEF tank?

    Thanks! Hope there's enough room on top to disconnect the fill. Will tear into it soon.
  11. How to drain DEF tank?

    Have you done this? I can't follow it down with the skids on. Is the DEF tank behind the fuel tank?
  12. How to drain DEF tank?

    Got the EOC Stage 1 tune installed. Need to drain the DEF, but no idea how. A siphon tube down the filler hole does not work. Anyone know the best way to drain the DEF?. Is the DEF tank behind the gas tank? Everything is covered in skid plates, so I can't see it. Any advice appreciated...
  13. How much does your Gladiator weigh?

    What suspension do you have? Particularly the rear coil brand, size, rating, etc? I have a similar rig and weight. The Clayton 2.5 overland lift with HD springs is not doing job in the rear, I have a significant squat.
  14. Clayton 2.5" Overland Diesel lift is lower in rear than 2" Mopar - thoughts?

    The shop replaced the standard Clayton overland springs with the HD version (I think 700# rated). Without a load, it's still down a little in the rear. Fully loaded, it definitely squats. Not happy with the Clayton rear coils. I would LOVE to install the Dobinson's 3", 880-1210 rear coils...
  15. EOC Stage 1 Tune Options - Your experience?

    Thanks! I'm not greatly impressed with their communications either. PCM is shipping now, so we'll see how it performs. Glad I got DEF and EGR off options. Thanks for the post!
  16. EOC Stage 1 Tune Options - Your experience?

    I did, sorry for not following up. They have my PCM now, waiting to hear from them. Here are my questions and EOC's reply: TO EOC: What do these options mean? 1 - Egr on or off. I would like to reduce soot contaminating the oil, but I don't want to make any modifications. 2 - Def fluid can be...
  17. EOC Stage 1 Tune Options - Your experience?

    Still curious of others' experience with EOC stage 1.
  18. EOC Stage 1 Tune Options - Your experience?

    The EOC website also lists an option for EGR off, but I don't know if any other mods are needed. I asked all these questions by email but no reply yet. No luck getting them on the phone. Thx!
  19. EOC Stage 1 Tune Options - Your experience?

    I'm getting the EOC stage 1 tune. There are three options for the tune and one for DEF on/off. I'm looking for feedback on your experience with an EOC stage 1 tune. Which one did you get, how does it perform, is fuel consumption better or worse, would you do it again, etc. Your feedback is...
