As others said. My Aux battery died early. This kept the Main going for several years. I just (within the last month) replaced both. Now, this is sunny Southern California, so it did quite well. The main didn't die until a long spell of rain.
I also run a "rodent repeller"...
4 years and 39K. The aux battery died early, I always received warnings about "start/stop not ready" until I installed the solar panel. That kept everything working fine for a couple more years. This last rain (3 days of no sun!) finally was so bad the panel couldn't keep up.
Rodent deterrent. Flashes and emits ultrasonic noises. We were having problems with rats at work. With the Cascadia on the hood, I don't worry about leaving it on!
29K miles, 2 1/2 years. Moderate off-roading. Oh, the problems I've had:
-Leaky rear window. Fixed under warranty.
-Dead aux battery. Solar panel means, "I'll get to it someday..."
-Broken visor mount. THIS! The horrible thing I had to repair myself! How Terrible!
In other words, I love...
So, this is ugly, but it works. The baofeng holder / charger is modified from a file. At some point BF changed their internals of the charger. I made the fat box on the bottom to hold the bigger board. That is connected using a custom-printed right angle mounting post. I bought a...
I had mine fixed last summer while it was still under warranty. It was a complete rear window replacement. 6 months later I had the first time attempt to use the rear window defroster, and it didn't work. Contemplated taking it in to the dealer (now out of warranty), but a buddy started...
When I was in Germany in the early '90's, the left rear red light was a standard item. My diesel rabbit (zero frills - manual and no power steering) had an extra click on the turn signal lever that would leave that light on and no other. I was told it was for parking on narrow streets at...
The only hassle was making a 2nd trip to the dealership. When I took it in for the emissions recall I told the service advisor about the leak. Within 2 weeks the new glass was in and installed.
Wrong Yellow! I wanted my JT in "canary yellow". My first jeep was a close copy. Sticking with grey until they get the right yellow.
So for everybody not from Southern California, we are the county just to the north of Los Angeles. A popular joke here goes, "the yellow engines work harder...