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  1. The Gladiator got rear-ended

    Oh, man... that's the type of reassurance I wanted to hear. The more I look, the more I get worried. Hopefully you're right, and that it's nothing major.
  2. The Gladiator got rear-ended

    After almost 4 years of worry-free ownership, my Gladiator got rear-ended. :crying: Some 16-year-old kid, too busy on his cell phone, decided that stopping wasn't for him, and his Silverado just plowed into the back of the Gladiator. The kid admitted liability, and I'm working through his...
  3. Are transfer cases interchangeable from diesel Rubicon to Overland/ Sport? Going from 4:1 to 2.7:1.

    I'm not sure why they're listing that, because the Rubicon and non-Rubicons absolutely come with different t-cases. And, unless it's just marketing fluff, as best as I can tell, the t-case for Diesel is the same for non-Diesel of the same trim level (excluding the full-time option). Very...
  4. Are transfer cases interchangeable from diesel Rubicon to Overland/ Sport? Going from 4:1 to 2.7:1.

    All Gladiators have exactly four transfer cases regardless of engine*. 4:1 Rock-Trac Full Time 4WD t-case 4:1 Rock-Trac HD Part Time 4WD t-case 2.72:1 Selec-Trac Full Time 4WD t-case 2.72:1 Command-Trac Part Time 4WD t-case * - ok, well, I guess the diesel cannot be equipped with the...
  5. 4x4 or 4x2 towing.

    Some people tow 2x4s as well.
  6. Your battery voltage - truck off and at rest

    I just went to measure mine, but I guess my multi-meter isn't working. It just kept reading 0 volts, which clearly wasn't correct.
  7. Your battery voltage - truck off and at rest

    Mine has been parked since mid-afternoon Sunday. I'll go measure it tomorrow and give you a number.
  8. NACHO Gladiator club

    Ok, so my estimates were way off. I'd read somewhere that Jeep produces 89K Gladiators in the '21 MY. Yeah, apparently that was wrong. I'm at 96K and counting, and haven't even hit any Gecko colored ones yet, so it's looking like there will easily be 100K. The good news is that I've cleaned up...
  9. So max towing or not.

    Thank you, this has been sorted out already. At the time I was unaware this was a new trim level for the '22 MY. I'm neck deep in MY '21 research, and didn't realize they'd introduced a new trim level. My bad. Please carry on.
  10. So max towing or not.

    Ah, thank you both. It's a new trim level in 2022. I hadn't begun researching that MY yet. I stand corrected. Thanks again!
  11. So max towing or not.

    Interesting. My data suggests otherwise. Additionally, I know of no trim level simply called "Altitude". Do you have a reference for this?
  12. So max towing or not.

    My apologise, I thought that you meant "High Altitude", as clearly "Altitude" is not a trim level. As I said, the only trim levels which have/had Max Tow as an option are: Sport Sport S Freedom Edition So, I am not sure what you mean by simply "Altitude".
  13. So max towing or not.

    High Altitude cannot have the Max Tow package. Only Sport/Sport S and the now defunct "Freedom edition" trim levels have that as an option.
  14. Stock Diff Covers

    I'm still using the factory ones on my Gladiator, but on my JK I ran the Teraflex ones. Those were great quality, and fairly affordable. I'd also recommend the ARB ones for being rock solid. The little skid plate things are necessary IMHO. I've literally seen Jeeps slides off either of those...
  15. Car Wizard on 3.6L

    While it was completely unloved, the Chrysler 3.8L was a pretty bullet proof engine. That thing got a lot of hate, but it was rock solid in terms of reliability.
  16. Stock Diff Covers

    The stock diff covers are made out of aluminum, and will absolutely crap out on you like that. It's not uncommon to upgrade to aftermarket diff covers for this exact reason.
  17. Sway Bar Disconnects

    Your best bet is to look at something like the Teraflex quick disconnect. It replaces the sway bar links with new ones that are designed to be quickly removed. Alternatively, you could just carry around some wrenches with you - probably should anyway. That's what I did on my JK, as I had a hard...
  18. NACHO Gladiator club

    I installed the Mopar cross rails and two Thule bike racks on Nacho today.
  19. Car Wizard on 3.6L

    I'd go farther, and suggest that he doesn't even realize it. He's speaking from experience, and he's likely very skilled at what he does, but is unfortunately unaware of what bias he's viewing this from. For context, my father was a mechanic, and had a similar negative view about certain...
