I am going to throw out the 2 half drunk coffees that my wife and daughter just spent $12.57 and I think this will do more for the performance of my Gladiator...?
Go for it but, don’t have a have full chocolate milkshake in the cup holder… ask me how I know. Better yet, ask the guy on the motorcycle behind me. ?
Okay, so I wish Lumens would have tested these lights a little more and I am sure there will eventually be a fix. However, I have to say these lights look fantastic on my Black 2020 JTR. I purchased these in the group buy and love them. I have LED package and the only thing that is not correct...
Ok. I am going to throw my hat into this discussion 1.) If our electrical grid is, for the most part, powered by Nat. Gas, coal and god forbid, nuclear, are E-cars really “clean”? 2.) If California has rolling black outs now; how will their grid be able to handle the extra surge from a larger...
Installed my desert khaki Armorlite floor and my triple black Ruby w 23,000k. After a couple hours and some bloody fingers (my fault) i now have my favorite mod. Makes my jeep feel complete and even more solid. The interior noise, in my opinion, has been muffled and the look and feel of it...
Get a dog! My dog loves my JT, in fact when my wife rides shotgun she tries to push her out of the truck with her nose
That’s Penny in the passenger seat.