Steelies are steelies. Probalby all coming out of a single factory in china. I have a steelie 17x9 for a spare and it's stamped made in china I got from a buddy with a L.R.D.G sticker to make it fancy.....
That all said, Allied wheel offers the same wheel and uses the same partial name "soft...
Just to chew on, bigger ratio, smaller pinion, smaller pinion, less strength. Combine less strength with bigger tires/leverage you increase chances of breaking a pinion.
Just putting this here as a consideration for not going to crazy on gearing depending on what you plan to do.
I am 120LBS per wheel on my tire/wheel combo. My stock setup was about 80lbs per wheel. I am noticing some differences, also the tires are wider then stock at 12.5, the width will also effect steering feel.
Just being a smart ass, cause the general consensus is just do a clayton lift and slap on some falcons and all is right in the world. I am glad you are looking at this in detail and seeing issues.
If your tie rod ends are fine then you can adjust toe in. Drag link slop will flop both wheels left and right. tie rod end slop makes each wheel do what ever it wants.
You will likely want to adjust your toe in with the larger wheel diameter. I just jumped to 37's without adjusting/changing anything from stock and noticed a little steering wheel wonder driving it for real today. I need to check my toe in and probably make an adjustment.
That is a nice setup, to bad it went up 300 dollars..... and to bad it doesn't work with the diesel.
Looks like i am going with metalcloaks setup, good value, and have some of their other parts.
I like the bend of the WFO but not for 405 bucks, and core 4x4 will bend you a bar but not a ton...
Just got a Mickey Thompson mtz 37x17x12.5 on a 9" wide steelie to fit as a spare under the truck using the stock track bar. I pulled the heat shield and I deflated to 20psi, and used a angle grinder to shave down the hitch carrier. There was almost a 1/4" of extra metal from the edge of the weld...
If the replacement costs are crazy talk to your insurance, most cover rodent damage, its just a pain in the ass for the shop to get paid cause of all the paperwork that needs to be submitted, usually doubles the cost of the work.