Went to Moab in November and was colder and inclement weather compared to last year a week later. Have ran most of the Moab trails with beater rigs and nervous still on the Gladiator so the most extreme was Fins.
Drove on the stock 33s on a Rubicon and got around 17.5 MPG with half city and 2 desert trips so 65 MPH most of the way for the desert half. With 35s got about 17.0 This was multiple trips. Switched to 37s and the MPG shot up and was super shocked as got just above 20 MPG and what was equal to...
Installed the Mopar Performance 2” lift with the 2.5” Fox shocks and noticed on all of the shocks there is an Allen screw at the top. Not sure if it is a plug or maybe a rebound adjustment. Searched online and didn’t find much.