
top down

  1. Would you buy a Bestop soft top if available?

    We were discussing this in another thread. This isn’t a debate, it’s not hard top vs soft top vs sun rider. Simply, if @Bestop made a top that was cheaper than the Mopar one but functioned the same, would you be in? I’m curious if their aversion to offering one is their preconceived lack of demand.
  2. Pics of your weekend ride

    Let’s see what everyone got up to this weekend. :jk:
  3. Total Topless Hack (For Soft Top)

    I don't regret going with the soft top option but I REALLY hate the fact the top lays on the back when opened. The top is actually very light and only held on by four bolts. So, I purchased a set of Quick Release Thumbscrews for a hardtop (6 in a package)...
