Well-Known Member
To each their own on vehicle damage, but I think you can be more rough if you want…Something on my upgrade list is the AEV 2” lift for Mojaves and the bracket. After reading through this thread I will keep them on my list but with the opinion that whatever lift I have there will always be something that will bang them up if I go over that obstacle.
one example I experienced this past week was a square shaped rock about 15” high.
I rolled on top of it fine but when I rolled off the back of it I came down on something underneath that hung it up. Because I eased it down it only rested on the hardware without doing any damage and after nudging it forward decided I would rather back off instead of dragging what I think was my rails across the rock. After looking underneath I didn’t see any new scrapes or dents.
Since I’m trying to not destroy my Gladiator I’ll pick my obstacles judiciously and go slowly over rocks instead of pounding through them and breaking things.
some 35s would be nice also but I’ll probably have to wait until I wear out these factory 33s
I was inspired to buy my Jeep by watching Litebrite on YouTube, who absolutely abused their JLUR off-road and it took an impressive amount of damage in stock form.
As people keep stating, we get hung up on breakover angle and the geometry brackets are where I worry the least about damage.
I’ve added diff skids, hitch skid, rear LCA skid, engine skid.
@Zachanadandy is a better driver than I am, because I scrape the shit out of my skids on John Bull and Holcomb creek, and the frame/belly/OEM skids (stock, no aftermarket belly skids) take that abuse all day long. Just keep touching up with rustoleum?
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