Well, that answers that. Its the FQS buzzing!
Thank you so much. I certainly appreciate that! That was a good thread to read. I tried using the search engine and apparently didn’t get the right key words. Thank you, again. I had actually direct messaged the guy so posted the picture of the bulletin. I haven’t heard back from him yet. I sure would like to get his take on why this one does it and the other doesn’t. Doesn’t matter as much now that this is deemed normal but seems as though it should be one way out the other ; either it buzzes or it doesn’t
Evening All
I have a 2023 Sport S EcoDiesel that makes a loud buzzing sound on shutdown. Lasts about 2 to 3 minutes. My 2023 EcoDiesel Rubicon does not make this sound. I’ve attached a couple videos. Truck is brand new. Less than three hundred miles. It started the evening I got home from the dealership and after each shutdown since. I’m assuming this is abnormal and requires attention. That said, it seems as those most dealerships leave something to be desired in regard to maintenance on these engines. I figured going in with some knowledge beforehand may be of some help. Thank you all in advance.
Well I have 4 total 1 sport s and 3 Rubi's all ecodiesels I would say if you have one that doesn't make the noise theres something wrong with that 1 mine have done it since new. Service guy at a Jeep dealership said it was a recirculating pump to cool the turbo not sure thats right but all mine do it
Normal. When I had my Ecodiesel, I timed it to exact 3 minutes.Evening All
I have a 2023 Sport S EcoDiesel that makes a loud buzzing sound on shutdown. Lasts about 2 to 3 minutes. My 2023 EcoDiesel Rubicon does not make this sound. I’ve attached a couple videos. Truck is brand new. Less than three hundred miles. It started the evening I got home from the dealership and after each shutdown since. I’m assuming this is abnormal and requires attention. That said, it seems as those most dealerships leave something to be desired in regard to maintenance on these engines. I figured going in with some knowledge beforehand may be of some help. Thank you all in advance.
Wife and I bith have diesels, her a 21 JLURD and me a 23 JTRD, That noise is the DEF evacuation pump, it clears the lines after shutdownEvening All
I have a 2023 Sport S EcoDiesel that makes a loud buzzing sound on shutdown. Lasts about 2 to 3 minutes. My 2023 EcoDiesel Rubicon does not make this sound. I’ve attached a couple videos. Truck is brand new. Less than three hundred miles. It started the evening I got home from the dealership and after each shutdown since. I’m assuming this is abnormal and requires attention. That said, it seems as those most dealerships leave something to be desired in regard to maintenance on these engines. I figured going in with some knowledge beforehand may be of some help. Thank you all in advance.
This is normal. Mopar came out with a service bulletin to address this as many were complaining, why this isn't in the service manual I do not know... They should of just included it..After this morning's commute, 2022 JTRD, started doing this after the HPFP recall was performed. P