Well-Known Member
Looking at the menu pages on the dash, think of it as pages of paper on a desk... page 1 at the top and page 8 at the bottom. With your finger on page 1, would you move your hand up or down to go to page 2? Or would you put page 1 at the bottom of the column and page 8 at the top so when you read to the bottom of page 1 you go up to page 2?
When you’re looking at a multi page PDF on your computer and your reading page 1, do you hit the up arrow to go to page 2? No, down arrow to go to the next page in the column.
If you look at the dash screens strictly from a numerical standpoint then it would seem backwards; “down” to go up in “page number” but think of the pages as a “list” and then it makes more sense going “down” to get to the next one in the list.
as far as the shifter;
I had a 2016 Challenger and it had the same dash screen, 8.4” radio and shifter they use on the Jeeps. Stock part designs shared among multiple models with minor tweaks. Which is why the shifter is the same manual mode as the other models. The JT is not a sports car or a ‘sporty’ car but the other models in the barn are and it’s faster, safer, more common to have the ‘bump back’ for up shifts. I remember many of times doing things law enforcement might frown upon and it works great to be in manual mode with two hands on the wheel taking the right hand off just long enough to bump the shifter back with the bottom of your fist before putting it right back on the steering wheel. I DO agree that the manual mode in the JT is NOT for sportiness but ... they are not going to change the shifter/programming for one or two models out of 12 or more that share the same part.
I do remember the days when automatics had D-2-1 on the plate and from 1st you bumped forward to go to second and forward to go to 3rd from there (or up on the column shifter to go up in gears) but those days are gone. If this old fart with CDO can deal with it so can everyone else.
note** CDO is the same as OCD but with the letters in alphabetical order like they should be
