Well-Known Member
Back in 88 I was doing a night insertion from UH-1 plan was come in flare off the skid on the ground... somehow the actual altitude vs what it was wasn't correct my stick "burned in" all I remember is thinking Oh S###. I did like a shuttle cock being large rucksack with gear and radio in front. I landed on it knocked out cold... end result minor training accident nothing to see here. But damn I miss flying in helicopters still my last one's were setup for VIP flights though. ? flying in to Tasar, Hungary then just mostly dog n pony flights....And I was just a peter-pilot. No carrying M240's or long ruck marches, except during training. Nossir, I'd complain when my seat cushion got lumpy or the crew chief ran out of cold cokes! ;-)
Training could be tough. During the Special Forces stuff, we were getting beat to a pulp. They never seemed to understand I was a PILOT and not a guy who dug and lived in holes! Had a guy die in the shower, a heart attack. A buddy of mine in Ranger school had two of his buddies check out of the net of hyperthermia in the Everglades. I had guys fall out of my helo to broken legs and backs, a bunch actually. That's the thing about living an adventurous push hard and Karma is going to shove back. Bottom line" No one survives living anyway, so might as well go for it and make it count.